Tuesday 21 October 2014

Converting a line to line Letter Case in bash script.

Here is an example of converting a sentence to Letter Case.

Suppose there is a string "hello world how are you" so when you convert it it should be converted to "Hello World How Are You". I have tried a bash script which does the same after taking an input from the user. It exclusively uses upper case conversion formula ^^ and substring formula ${string:startpos:length.}.

Just follow the example 

# Author Subhroneel Ganguly
# Date 21.10.2014
echo Enter String :
read line
for wrd in $line
let size=${#wrd}
lettercase=$lettercase$firstchar${wrd:1:$size}" "
echo $lettercase

If you want more tutorials subscribe to my channel : https://www.youtube.com/subhro190776.

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