Sunday, 6 April 2014

How to connect to Oracle 11g using PYTHON

Python is an indent based language. Does not contain any begin or end like if / end if, loop / end loop.
Beginning of scope is in hanging indent and the entire scope is indented.

>>     staterment 
>>     staterment

Just look into the indent for the statement below if condition.

Now about oracle client library in python.
You can download oracle client cx_Oracle  from here : (md5) MS Windows installer 2.7 2014-05-25 323KB (md5) MS Windows installer 3.3 2014-05-25 322KB (md5) MS Windows installer 3.4 2014-05-25 322KB
cx_Oracle-5.1.3-11g.win32-py2.7.exe (md5) MS Windows installer 2.7 2014-05-25 288KB
cx_Oracle-5.1.3-11g.win32-py3.3.exe (md5) MS Windows installer 3.3 2014-05-25 283KB
cx_Oracle-5.1.3-11g.win32-py3.4.exe (md5) MS Windows installer 3.4 2014-05-25 282KB (md5) MS Windows installer 2.7 2014-05-25 323KB (md5) MS Windows installer 3.3 2014-05-25 322KB (md5) MS Windows installer 3.4 2014-05-25 322KB
cx_Oracle-5.1.3-12c.win32-py2.7.exe (md5) MS Windows installer 2.7 2014-05-25 288KB
cx_Oracle-5.1.3-12c.win32-py3.3.exe (md5) MS Windows installer 3.3 2014-05-25 283KB
cx_Oracle-5.1.3-12c.win32-py3.4.exe (md5) MS Windows installer 3.4 2014-05-25 282KB
cx_Oracle-5.1.3.tar.gz (md5) Source
2014-05-25 102KB

Just choose according to your version of python installed.

Install it in your machine if you are using Windows 32 bit download win32-py else if you are using Windows 64 bit  download win-amd64-py.

Here is the sample code below which will help you to connect to Oracle.

import cx_Oracle
# con = cx_Oracle.connect('username/password@[ipaddress or hostname]/SID')
# for example con = cx_Oracle.connect('scott/tiger@')
# Above 2 lies are format of connection string and sample connection string.
# Below is the actual connection string I have used. orcl.localdomain is the service name you have configured with net config assistant in oracle databsae server.

con = cx_Oracle.connect('hr/hr@')
cur = con.cursor()
cur.execute('select section_code,section_name from section_master order by 2')

for row in cur:

#closing all opened objects
print("File successfully exported")


Please comment if you have any queries.
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