In python dictionary Values each key is separated from it's values by a colon {:},
each items in dictionary is separated by commas, and all items are enclosed in braces {}.
Keys of a dictionary should be unique. No duplicate. Values can be of any type but keys
should be immutable.
dic = {'Code': '001', 'Name': 'Alex', 'Age': 27}
dic1 = {'Code': '001', 'Name': 'Peter', 'Age': 21}
print "dic['Code']: ", dic['Code'] # prints dic['Code']: 001
print "dic['Name']: ", dic['Name'] # prints dic['Name']: Alex
print "dic['Age']: ", dic['Age'] # prints dic['Age']: 27
#example functions and methods used with python dictionary
#compare function compares 2 dictionaries
# cmp returns 1 on mismatch and 0 on match
if cmp(dic,dic1)==1:
print "Both dictionaries are not equal"
print "Both dictionaries are equal"
# len function prints the length of dictionaries
print "Length of dic : ",len(dic)
# Removing entry with key 'Code'
del dic['Code']
# Deleting all entries in dic
# Deleting entire dictionary
del dic
# fromkeys copy keys to another dictionary.
# It has 2 parameters
# 1. seq - the list of values used for the key preparation
# 2. value - optional, if provided then entire element values will be set to this value
dic2 = dic1.fromkeys(dic1,10)
print "dic2['Code']: ", dic2.get('Code') # prints dic2['Code']: 002
# has_keys returns true if the key exists in the dictionary
if dic1.has_keys('Name'):
print "The kay name exits'
# keys() Returns list of dictionary keys.
print dic1.keys()
AngularJS is one of the leading JavaScript framework which is doing something simply awesome. Whenever we talk about ngView we have to think about routeConfig which is actually making multiple page views possible. So with routeConfig we can embed a whole website into a single webpage. In this example we have not used multiple html page but rather used template to embed html document object into div block using ngView. So you can try this code to embed as many template you like based on the key parameter you provide on your url. Route Config use a angular function config which embed html block provided in the template with .when and if any of the parameter key does not match then goes to .otherwise where it automatically redirects it to a error page which displays an error message. Template of error key is also defined in .when.
<html ng-app="app">
<script src="angular.min.js"></script>
<script src="angular-route.min.js"></script>
app = angular.module('app',['ngRoute']);
app.controller('MyCtrl',function($scope) {
app.config(function($routeProvider) {
.when('/', {
template: '<h2>You are at the Welcome page</h2>',
controller: 'MyCtrl' }
template: '<h2>Read online tutorials</h2>',
controller: 'MyCtrl' }
template: '<h2>Download utility software</h2>',
controller: 'MyCtrl' }
template : '<h2>Oops you have entered a wrong url',
controller: 'MyCtrl' }
.otherwise( {
redirectTo: '/error'
<body ng-controller="MyCtrl">
<div ng-view></div>
Apache Tomcat is one of the most used web server.
Installing Apache Tomcat on MAC is as simple at it can be.
All you need is to download it from Apache Website.
Here we are downloading Apache Tomcat 8.0 version link to
the tar.gz is provided here.
download this and extract it. The best place to extract is /opt/.
Create a directory called Tomcat8.0 on /opt/ and extract it there. You are all ready.
To start the service manually navigate to this directory. /opt/Tomcat8.0/bin/
and to shutdown manually /opt/Tomcat8.0/bin/
To configure Tomcat to automatically start service at boot, configure
or org.apache.tomcat.plist. Here is the github link for configuration of both the script.
Remember the default port is 8080. You can change server.xml to change port number for
both normal and SSL (https) connection. BY default for http it is 8080 and for https it
is 8443.
Installing Skype in MAC OS x Mavericks.
Skype is perhaps one of the best VOIP interface
used by millions of people around the globe. Easy to
use, easily importable contact lists from facebook or
google. Making voice / video calls from Skype to skype,
from skype to phone which is actually cost you. Send
message or attach files.
We will be installing skype in MAC OSX Mavericks.
First thing you need to do is to download disk image
from official skype website.
Here is the link to download skype for MAC OSx
After download is complete file name will be something like this
(i.e. Skype_7.13.428.dmg)
Open the file from the download location and you will find 2
icons shows side by side. One is the skype installer to be installed and another is the Application icon. Hold down and drag the skype icon
to the application icon and your installation starts. After installation completes go to the application folder and drag the skype program icon to the launcher toolbar.
Skype is ready to use.
As soon as you click on connect the to section Export Tables is enabled. If you select Sql from Export data for combo then right section will be enabled for custom sql. If you select Tables then list of tables for the user schema will be populated on the Combo. You can either select a single table or if you do not select any table then all tables will be exported when you click on Export, but if you select one table then that particular table will be exported.
This is the interface from where data will be exported. The project is uploaded in google drive and code is provided in tis article.
Download the Code from - Google Drive
Option Explicit
Private con As Object
Private rs As Object
Private rs1 As Object
Private table_name As String, fieldName As String, _
recordString As String, fieldValue As String
Private Sub cmdExportType_Click()
If cmdExportType.Text = "Tables" Then
customExportFrame.Enabled = False
If cmbTableList.ListCount = 0 Then
Call populateListofTables
End If
cmbTableList.Enabled = True
customExportFrame.Enabled = True
cmbTableList.Enabled = False
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Command1_Click()
If cmdExportType.Text = "Tables" Then
Call getListofTablesAndData
Call GetSqlData
End If
End Sub
Private Sub cmdConnect_Click()
Call OpenConnection(txtUser.Text, txtPasswd.Text, txtHostName.Text)
tableListFrame.Enabled = True
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
cmdExportType.AddItem "Tables"
cmdExportType.AddItem "Sql"
tableListFrame.Enabled = False
customExportFrame.Enabled = False
End Sub
Private Sub populateListofTables()
Set rs1 = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rs1.Open "select table_name from cat where table_type = 'TABLE' order by table_name", con
While Not rs1.EOF
cmbTableList.AddItem VBA.IIf(IsNull(rs1(0)), "", rs1(0))
Set rs1 = Nothing
End Sub
Private Sub getListofTablesAndData()
Call GenerateTableData(cmbTableList.Text)
End Sub
Private Sub GetSqlData()
Dim SqlStr As String, fieldString As String
Dim rs1 As Object
Dim i As Integer
SqlStr = txtSql.Text
Set rs1 = CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")
rs1.Open SqlStr, con, 2
Open App.Path & "\csv_data\" & tblName.Text & ".csv" For Output As #1
fieldString = ""
For i = 0 To rs1.Fields.Count - 1
fieldString = fieldString & rs1(i).Name & ","
Next i
fieldString = VBA.Left(fieldString, VBA.Len(fieldString) - 1)
Print #1, fieldString
recordString = ""
PBRecords.Value = 0
If rs1.RecordCount > 0 Then
PBRecords.Max = rs1.RecordCount
While Not rs1.EOF
recordString = ""
For i = 0 To rs1.Fields.Count - 1
fieldValue = VBA.IIf(IsNull(rs1(i)), "", rs1(i))
fieldValue = VBA.Replace(fieldValue, ",", " ")
recordString = recordString & fieldValue & ","
Next i
recordString = VBA.Left$(recordString, VBA.Len(recordString) - 1)
Print #1, recordString
PBRecords.Value = PBRecords.Value + 1
lblRecords.Caption = Round((PBRecords.Value / PBRecords.Max) * 100, 2) & "%"
End If
Close #1
End Sub
Private Sub OpenConnection(user As String, pass As String, serviceName As String)
On Error GoTo OpenConnection_Error
If con Is Nothing Then
Set con = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
con.CursorLocation = adUseClient
con.ConnectionString = "Provider=MSDAORA.1;User ID=" & user & ";Password=" & pass & ";Data Source=" & serviceName & ";Persist Security Info=False"
End If
On Error GoTo 0
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Error " & Err.Number & " (" & Err.Description & ") in procedure OpenConnection of Form Form1"
End Sub
Private Sub OpenConnections(userName As String, passwd As String, dataSource As String)
If con Is Nothing Then
Set con = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
con.CursorLocation = adUseClient
con.ConnectionString = "Provider=MSDAORA.1;User ID=" & userName & ";Password=" & passwd & _
";Data Source=" & dataSource & ";Persist Security Info=False"
End If
End Sub
Private Sub GenerateTableData(Optional singleTable As String)
Dim i As Integer
If rs Is Nothing Then
Set rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
Set rs1 = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rs.Open "select * from cat where table_type = 'TABLE'" & VBA.IIf(singleTable <> "", _
" and table_name = '" & singleTable & "'", ""), con
PBTables.Value = 0
PBTables.Max = rs.RecordCount
While Not rs.EOF
table_name = VBA.IIf(IsNull(rs(0)), "", rs(0))
Form1.Caption = "Exporting data for " & table_name & " table "
If VBA.Trim$(table_name) <> "" Then
Open App.Path & "\csv_data\" & table_name & ".csv" For Output As #1
rs1.Open "select * from " & table_name, con, 1
fieldName = ""
For i = 0 To rs1.Fields.Count - 1
fieldName = fieldName & rs1(i).Name & ","
Next i
fieldName = VBA.Left$(fieldName, VBA.Len(fieldName) - 1)
Print #1, fieldName
PBRecords.Value = 0
If rs1.RecordCount > 0 Then
PBRecords.Max = rs1.RecordCount
While Not rs1.EOF
recordString = ""
For i = 0 To rs1.Fields.Count - 1
' On Error Resume Next
fieldValue = getValue(rs1, i, table_name, PBTables.Value + 1)
fieldValue = VBA.Replace(fieldValue, ",", " ")
recordString = recordString & fieldValue & ","
Next i
recordString = VBA.Left$(recordString, VBA.Len(recordString) - 1)
Print #1, recordString
PBRecords.Value = PBRecords.Value + 1
lblRecords.Caption = Round((PBRecords.Value / PBRecords.Max) * 100, 2) & "%"
PBTables.Value = PBTables.Value + 1
lblTables.Caption = Round((PBTables.Value / PBTables.Max) * 100, 2) & "%"
End If
Close #1
End If
Set rs = Nothing
Set rs1 = Nothing
End If
End Sub
Private Function getValue(r As Object, ByVal idx As Long, ByVal tbl_name As String, recNo As Long) As String
On Error GoTo Err1
getValue = VBA.IIf(IsNull(r(idx).Value), "", r(idx).Value)
Exit Function
Open App.Path & "\errLog.log" For Append As #2
Print #2, "Error on " & tbl_name & " table on column " & VBA.IIf(IsNull(r(idx).Name), "", r(idx).Name) & ", index " & idx & " on record number " & recNo & " whose column " & VBA.IIf(IsNull(r(0).Name), "", r(0).Name) & " value is " & VBA.IIf(IsNull(r(0).Value), "", r(0).Value)
Close #2
End Function
Private Sub GetLatLongData()
Call OpenConnections("bckv", "bckv", "ORCL")
Open App.Path & "\lat_long.csv" For Input As #1
Dim newLine As String
Dim var
Line Input #1, newLine
While Not EOF(1)
Line Input #1, newLine
var = VBA.Split(newLine, ",")
Call con.Execute("insert into citieslatlong (City,ProvinceState,Country,Latitude,Longitude) " & _
"values('" & VBA.Replace(var(0), "'", "''") & "','" & VBA.Replace(var(1), "'", "''") & "','" & VBA.Replace(var(2), "'", "''") & "','" & VBA.Replace(var(3), "'", "''") & "','" & VBA.Replace(var(4), "'", "''") & "')")
Close #1
End Sub
Private Sub txtHostName_Change()
cmdConnect.Enabled = (txtUser.Text <> "" And txtPasswd.Text <> "" And txtHostName.Text <> "")
End Sub
Private Sub txtPasswd_Change()
cmdConnect.Enabled = (txtUser.Text <> "" And txtPasswd.Text <> "" And txtHostName.Text <> "")
End Sub
Private Sub txtUser_Change()
cmdConnect.Enabled = (txtUser.Text <> "" And txtPasswd.Text <> "" And txtHostName.Text <> "")
End Sub