We don't often think about coding tricks but it's comes into picture when you are no more into a
project and new guys come into it and need to understand the system. You are no where and it
depends on your coding style that whether they are jumping into an ocean or a little pool. Depth
should be in implementation not in complexity of the code, it's not about showing off how much you
know but it's important how much you are able to make the readers understand your code what
you tried to do. Let us assume that there are no documentation about what is stuff you have done,
now the psychology that's comes into play about coders as per my experience is that they are more
concerned about showing of their knowledge rather than making it simple as if they are on to a
eligibility test with newbies. It's really seems to be a foolishness or stupidity to do such things.
As per my experience I have worked in very few fresh project and most of them are existing
application and making the situation HELL like. In maximum case I didn't found any comment about
what stuff is fed into the system. Comments are missing, approach to a problem is such that you are
writing program for some microchips or space science when the actual program is for some simple
calculation of some say debit - credit. And this goes on with every new programmers come into the
system making it a disaster day by day.
So a proper convention for writing code is required and that convention is not only to follow a proper
structure of coding but also make a coding simpler to understand where the approach will be not to
SHOW OFF you SKILL but to make the process smooth as well make it as simple and
understandable with proper comments and documentation.
And to add to this there is a lot to think about coding convention which is an essential part of coding.
Coding convention is definitely necessary but conventions should have the freedom for amendment
based on situations which actually does not happen and project leaders are found to be biased and
follow strictly some conventions which might be build when the system designed and following the
same thing after a decade. Developer should be given freedom and flexibility which will of course
make a system readable and understandable.